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Greetings All,
Just wanted to add a little something about myself. I was born StarTrek Fan and have lived a trekkie way a life for a long time. I'm a college grad with a computer, science fiction and journalism background.
About two years ago I met a girl on Facebook who introduced me to Battlestar Galatica from MiniSeries the end of Season 2.5.
I really enjoyed the concept of the re-imagined series. I find that after the crap B movies of the early to late 1950-1960's science fiction believed that anything negative couldn't be enjoyable to watch. As an example the 1958 version of War of Worlds was completed with two endings. 1 Where humans lose and are doomed a race for all of time. and 2. Where the Aliens can't breathe our air and die before finshing us off. This shows that the public started to only enjoy sci-fi that shows humans in complete control of everything. What they wear, drink, eat, where they go and what they think. BSG shows that in a situation like this humans only have one choice. They can only go into space and hope the galaxy can provide them what they need to servive.
Thanks for reading, messasge me if your bored.
Danny B.