User:Arwel Parry

Arwel is long-time SF fan from Crewe in the UK (but is not a Sky subscriber, so the first he saw of the new BSG was on BitTorrent like most other people on here, though he is now the proud possessor of the region 2 DVD set of series 1 :) ).

He was first smitten by TV SF at a very tender age, when he saw the original runs of Supercar, Doctor Who, Stingray, Thunderbirds, etc., on black-and-white TV (Star Trek arrived on the BBC quite a bit later, when he was around 10 or so). Once a decent bookshop opened in the town a few miles from his home in 1973, he quickly started amassing a rather large library of SF books, several thousand of which are currently filling the back bedroom of his house!

The original Battlestar Galactica appeared as a cinema release in the UK, and I remember seeing it at the ABC Cinema in Norwich in my last year at university there. I remember quite liking it, but even then thinking that the visual effects were rather repetitive! The less said about Galactica 1980 when it appeared on ITV, the better....

I was very pleased to find that this site is using MediaWiki - I'm a long-time administrator at the English and Welsh Wikipedias, so the markup language is familiar to me! Here's my English homepage with a bit more of a biography...