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Ticket Master
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Ticket Master
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She is at the gate desk when Troy and Dillon ("Smith" and "Jones" respectfully) arrive to board the flight prepared for them by Jamie Hamilton to intercept the damaged craft heading towards New York, as use of their Vipers would further alert the United States government.
Upon receiving their tickets at check-in for Flight 2 to New York City, Pasen asks them if they were a smoking or non-smoking section, referring to sections of the airplane designated for those partaking in cigarette usage. She believes Dillon's sincere question of "how does the plane operate best?" to be a humorous quip, and assigns them to seats in a non-smoking section (1980: "The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I").
Rutherford is at the front desk when Troy and Dillon ("Smith" and "Jones" respectfully) arrive on flights prepared for them by Jamie Hamilton to intercept the damaged craft heading towards New York, as use of their Vipers would further alert the United States government. After some initial confusion about the pronunciation of "A.M.," Dillon hands her a paper given to them by Hamilton, which Rutherford confirms as Flight 2 to New York City.
She can tell they don't travel by air, since they ask about the metal detector scanners they have to pass through due to the threat posed by hijacking(1980: "The Night the Cylons Landed, Part I").
The name is derived from her nametag, and not said in dialog. The character and performer are uncredited, and the performer has been identified as Marcia Wolf through the use of computer-aided face recognition.
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