IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is a complete accounting of all events that have occurred in the Re-imagined Series. If you have only begun watching the series, this site will contain information of events, actions, and characters that you may not have been exposed to yet. This is information that you may consider to be a spoiler, and as this Wiki is a complete and thorough resource, you have been warned that spoilers are to be expected. Review our Spoiler Policy for details.

If you're old enough, you might have seen the original 1978 Battlestar Galactica and Galactica 1980 way back when. The re-imagined series debuted with a miniseries on December 8th, 2003, and concluded 73 episodes later on March 20th, 2009.
The new Battlestar Galactica, created and produced by Ronald D. Moore, was the talk of the town on science fiction websites and entertainment magazines alike. It was a reboot of the two previous series, but maintained its own story line with a darker tone and rich characterizations, intrigue and action.
Despite the controversy, this reboot remains one of the more successful reboots of a television series from the 20th century, and has spawned off two prequels: Caprica and Blood and Chrome.