# This is a title blacklist; every title that matches regex here are forbidden to create. # Options exist to stop editing, account creation, and moves as well. See Extension:Title Blacklist for documentation # See the talk page for more information.
# Please comment any additions made to the blacklist. # Note: Internally, the pattern delimiter is '/', so be sure to escape all '/'s. # UTF-8 mode is enabled. Do not use literal non-breaking spaces in regexes as some browsers cannot handle them.
# Usernames known for their connection to vandalism .*(\ba|A)(?i:dmin) <newaccountonly> .*(\bs|S)(?i:ysop) <newaccountonly> .*(\bm|M)(?i:oderator) <newaccountonly> .*(\ba|A)(?i:gent) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:penis) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:vagina) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:cocksucker) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:fu[c(k]k) <newaccountonly> .*(\bo|O)(?i:n wheels) <newaccountonly | moveonly> .*(\bs|S)(?i:crotum) <newaccountonly> .*(\bo|O)(?i:rgasm) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:jimbo wales) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:joe beaudoin) <newaccountonly> .*(?i:joseph beaudoin) <newaccountonly> .*(\bl|L)(?i:iuxiaoyu) <newaccountonly> .*(\bl|L)(?X:xiaoyu) <newaccountonly> .*(C|c)arefor.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*fidelmaxwel.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(N|n)ewwiki.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(P|p)ediawiki.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(T|t)alos.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(G|g)oogle* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(J|j)oe Beaudoin Jr* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*(S|s)hane* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer .*000000* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account> #spammer
# Articles created for the purposes of posting spam-vertisements. [*]Louis Vuitton #No one should be able to create an article on "Louis Vuitton" items. [*]UGG* #No one should be able to create an article on "UGG boots." [*]UGG #No one should be able to create an article on "UGG boots." [*]Ugg #No one should be able to create an article on "UGG boots." [*]cigarette #No one should be able to create an article on "electronic cigarettes." [*]cigarette* #No one should be able to create an article on "electronic cigarettes." [*]iPhone #No one should be able to create an article on "iPhone" [*]iPhone* #No one should be able to create an article on "iPhone" [*]iphone #No one should be able to create an article on "iPhone" [*]iphone* #No one should be able to create an article on "iPhone" [*]Epsom salt* #No one should be able to create an article / upload an image on "Epsom salt" [*]epsom salt* #No one should be able to create an article / upload an image on "Epsom salt"