Utilization of this Wiki is fairly straight forward.
For starters, you need a means to identify yourself. Therefore, you'll have to create a user account, which is fast, easy, and, of course, free.
Any hyperlink without an icon next to it, such as this one on the term Naturalistic science fiction, leads to an entry on this website about that term. Above it, you will find a list of tabs. In this group of tabs, you'll find the "Edit" tab. Click it, and you'll be able to add, correct, or remove content. The Editing Help portion of the site will cover the essentials in editing entries, but it'll be like posting to a message board, and you'll see your results immediately.
You'll also be able to discuss the topic by clicking the "Discussion" tab. So, if you want to question on the merit of a piece of information in that entry, or spur discussion, you can do that there without including it in the "official" entry. (Thus presenting information and not back-and-forth bulletin board type commentary.)