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Battlestar Galactica: Fleet Commander is a free to download modification created by the team at Ensemble Studios for the real-time strategy game: Homeworld: Remastered.
Description from Steam workshop page:
"The return of the critically acclaimed mod. Battlestar Galactica: Fleet Commander is now available for Homeworld Remastered.
The Cylons have returned and left the 12 Colonies an irradiated wasteland. Take charge of the Colonial Fleet or the Cylon Forces across skirmish, multiplayer, and recreation of famous moments from the franchise through the narrative campaign"
Battlestar Galactica: Fleet Commander's campaign, closely follows the story and events of the re-imagined series. Players can experience the series in a video game format for the very first time. The campaign has been released over updates called seasons, of which they are four seasons which coinside with the release of the televison series series.
Season one was released on 7th January 2024 which added two campagin missions.
Title Updates[edit]
Version 1.0.0 - 23rd December, 2023[edit]
- Total Conversion
- Skirmish vs AI & MP
- Campaign (2 episodes)
- Bespoke cutscenes
- Colonials & Cylons
Version 1.0.1 - 23rd December, 2023[edit]
- Colonial build times reduced
- Removed nukes from modern raiders
- Descriptions fixed on various ships
- Improved objective description in the campaign
- Added obvious UI markings on where ships are meant to go in campaign
- Fixed basestar nuke research for AI
- Fixed resurrection hub healing so quick you needed to be dealing a significant amount of damage to make it lose health
Version 1.0.2 - 2nd January, 2024[edit]
- - AI Improvements
- - Cutscenes Fixed
- - Nameplates Fixed
- - One 8 player map
- - Increased resource multiplyer
Version 1.1.0 - 3rd February 2024[edit]
- Fixed colonial vs colonial AI
- Fixed galactica pods retracting/ expanding
- Fixed various death animations
- Added S1 missions (2)
- Added 8p arena map
- Added 8p trapped map
- Added new wreckage for bezerk, defender & modern basestar
- Added colonial mover for campaign Improved
- Classic, galactica, valkyrie wreckages
- Backported colonial mover to EP2