Battlestar Wiki talk:Think Tank/Family Trees

Discussion page of Battlestar Wiki:Think Tank/Family Trees

When to Use

I'd only use this for families with three generations. Grandparents, parents, children. Or if there are "lateral" relatives like brothers, aunts and such. But not for two parents with a kid or two. That's too obvious. -- Serenity 16:16, 8 April 2008 (UTC)

On articles or even just as 'created' templates in a potential series page? Shane (talk) 16:32, 8 April 2008 (UTC)
That's for articles. If you mean a series of pages solely for family trees, then we could be more generous, but again, what's the point of a diagram for something simple? -- Serenity 17:24, 8 April 2008 (UTC)
I know I'm getting into this late, and that this has been discussed back in April, so I beg forgiveness for my tardiness and resurrection of a potentially dead subject. I'm trying to become more involved with the wiki and thought I'd continue discussing Think Tank Proposals. That said, I think Serenity is dead on. If there is only one member of a family tree there's no point in including it.

I'd like to know as much as the next guy as much as possible about the character's backgrounds. However, a lot of them lost their families in the Cylon attacks and there's no real point to including Unknown Mother, Unknown Father, Cally - Chief Tyrol - Offspring, etc. That becomes too lengthy and it also falls close to, in my opinion, fanwankery.--Jonathan 00:47, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

How to Use