Fleet Wheat

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Revision as of 05:51, 12 December 2006 by Whahaa (talk | contribs)

A fan nickname for the substance that President Laura Roslin and Admiral William Adama, characters from Battlestar Galactica, can be seen smoking during a flashback in the season 3 episode, "Unfinished Business".

It has been confirmed in a podcast by creator Ronald D. Moore that this is a psychoactive substance and not a mere stimulant, such as nicotine. In the episode, President Roslin wanted to build a cabin by an area where the plant grows naturally, though it is not clear whether she was the one who discovered the psychoactive nature of the plant by trying to smoke it.

It is currently unknown if Fleet Wheat is related to Chamalla, the substance that Laura Roslin took as an alternative cancer therapy.

The casual use of Fleet Wheat by Admiral Adama and then-former President Roslin, as well as Roslin's earlier (medically sanctioned) use of Chamalla, raises questions as to the foundations of the social mores of their civilization.

Origins of the Term

The term was coined on the Official Battlestar Galactica Forum on Scifi.com in the 12th post of the 'What was Adama SMOKING?' thread. The post was made by a forum member named Whahaa on 12/1/06 at 10:28pm eastern time and has gone on to inspire hilarious fan art, as well as a semi-regular spoof entitled "Battlestash Galactiganj" by the HTML-impaired FulltimeDefendent.