Cottle - Your doctor back on Caprica was right its to damn late to operate. The cancer is to far in advance all we can do is now is try shrinking the tumor with gamma treatments and follow that up with IV cis-Doloxan. Did he explain to you the side effects of Doloxan?
President Laura Roslin - Hair loss, nausea, muscle degeneration. I watched my mother endure two years of Doloxan before she died. I would like exploring alternate treatments.
Cottle - prayer?
President Laura Roslin - Witty. Have you heard of Chamalla extract?
Cottle - Oh, gods your one of those.
President Laura Roslin - What if it works?
Cottle - All evidence on Chamalla is anecdotal. It's a bunch of lose talk and false hope.
Laura Roslin - I take that as a yes.
Cottle - All right. I'll put out a med requiest to the civilian fleet maybe theres some wide eyed dreamer out there with a secret horde of Chamalla extract in their luggage...And for what its worth I would seriously consider prayer.