
MediaWiki interface page
Revision as of 09:55, 19 January 2012 by LIMAFOX76 (talk | contribs) (small typo)

Thank you for your support of January 18th's SOPA/PIPA Strike! As you may be aware, the entire Battlestar Wiki network (from English- to German- to French-language versions and beyond) went on strike to protest the SOPA and PIPA legislations that aim to destabilize and destroy the internet as we know it. We rolled the hard six and decided not stand idly by while the incompetent legislators of the United States of America destroy freedom of speech and expression, and thus we went on a complete blackout for over 24 hours on the 18th after midnight. More information here.

Please spread the word and let people know. Now that the strike has brought this attention even closer to the forefront, make sure to keep the pressure on. Contact your senators and representatives and, if you don't live in the USA, contact the state department because this bill affects EVERYONE throughout the world. We passionately urge you to do your part and be proactive to defend the Internet and freedom of expression, because the entertainment industry and its corrupt enablers clearly have no interest in doing so. The fight hasn't begun yet.

Weapons free and good hunting. So say we all!