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The data-font glows when activated.

The data-font is a device used by Cylons to access information in their datastream, as well as control various other Cylon technologies. Humanoid Cylons need only to place their palm on the port and they are able to instantly access the data stream (Exodus, Part I).

Caprica-Valerii attempts a rough version of this technique with Colonial technology by inserting a fiber optic cable into her arm, thus allowing her connectivity to Galactica's computer mainframe (Flight of the Phoenix).

Data-fonts are also used on basestars in the ship's command and control center for data access and other ship functions. These data ports have a layer of water over the interface, which may have an aesthetic or functional purpose. These data-fonts (and the database circuitry used throughout the ship) are apparently organic in design, as they are damaged after an infection kills or shuts down almost every Cylon entity and device on the basestar (A Measure of Salvation).

Models can only access information in to which they are privy too e.g. Eights can not learn anything meant for the Sixes only. [1]


  • That they can interface directly with a fibre-optical cable and light also plays a role in the physical interfaces, implies that some cells in humanoid Cylons' hands are photo-sensitive and bio-luminescent.


  1. Q&A with Ron D. Moore (backup available on (in ). (5 Novemeber 2007). Retrieved on 11 April 2008.