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A Measure of Salvation

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A Measure of Salvation
"A Measure of Salvation"
An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season 3, Episode 7
Writer(s) Michael Angeli
Story by
Director Bill Eagles
Assistant Director
Special guest(s) Lucy Lawless as Number Three
Production No. 307
Nielsen Rating
US airdate USA November 10, 2006
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DVD release
Population 41,420 survivors
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Torn A Measure of Salvation Hero
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Apollo and Athena are dispatched to interrogate the dying Cylons on board the infected baseship, and learns how Baltar is helping their adversaries; the virus inspires Lee to come up with a new strategy.


On Galactica

  • A boarding party comprising of Raptors and Vipers investigate the derelict basestar. Among the boarding party are Apollo and Athena.
  • Aboard the derelict, marines explore the corridors, finding the Cylons dead. Athena attempts to access the derelict basestar's Hybrid, but is unsuccessful.
  • Some|"skinjobs" around the control center revive and advise the boarding party of the situation regarding the probe and subsequent infection of the Cylons. One of the infected Cylons, a Number Eight, addresses Athena as "traitor."
  • The boarding party and prisoners are en route back to Galactica when the basestar self-destructs.
  • Galactica quarantines the boarding party and prisoners while Dr. Cottle finds out if the virus affects humans. The human members of the boarding party are cleared while Athena is ordered to stay put, as her blood work hasn't been done. Helo is infuriated, but wants to be notified as soon as her results are available.
  • Dr. Cottle investigation identifies a virus that can be treated, but not cured for Cylons. President Roslin, Admiral Adama, Lee Adama, and Helo discuss the idea of taunting the vaccine in exchange for information. A Simon is brought before them, and informs them that the entire baseship was abandoned, because resurrection would infect the others. He also mentions that Gaius Baltar provided the information on the path to Earth.
  • Aboard Colonial One, Lee Adama suggests a plan to eliminate the entire Cylon race by executing their prisoners in range of a Resurrection Ship, where the downloaded consciousnesses would infect the remaining Cylons. Helo scoffs at the idea, considering it genocide.
  • Aboard Galactica, Athena finds she's immune because of antibodies generated within her body by carrying her daughter, Hera. Helo tells her of the Fleet's plan, and Athena understands.
  • Admiral Adama shows slight dissent about the plan, indicating regulations that forbid him to proceed without presidential order. Despite the ethical ramifications, the President authorizes the biological attack.
  • Galactica Jumps to a Cylon supply line, and launches Vipers and Raptors to attract the Cylon fleet. In the midst of this, Helo initiates a plan to thwart the execution, unplugging what looks like a standard power connector from an environmental control box.
  • The Cylons jump into the area, with Resurrection Ship in tow. Adama orders the execution of the prisoners.
  • Lee Adama leads a team to execute the prisoners, but finds that all the prisoners have been killed prior to the Resurrection Ship arriving. Adama orders a recall, and Galactica escapes without sustaining any major damage.
  • Helo converses with Athena about his actions. He maintains that what he did was right, regardless of the consequences.
  • Aboard Galactica, Adama reports that the prisoners were suffocated due to a failure in the environmental controls. Roslin is quick to point out one or two might be responsible, but Adama closes the issue. Subsequently, the virus was most likely an accidental exposure, similar to one reported 3000 years ago. Adama points out that they're on the right track to Earth, but Roslin notes that the Cylons are the right track as well.

On a basestar

  • Aboard the bastestar, Baltar is being interrogated by Three and Caprica-Six, knowing about the beacon. Three and Caprica-Six imply that Baltar is connected to the virus and to Galactica. Baltar attempts to reconcile, only to be confronted by Centurions.
  • In his "projection", his mental Six tells him to relax. Meanwhile, his body is being subjected to torture; Caprica Six is visibly disturbed by the torture and backs away.
  • Baltar's torture continues as Three continues to interrogate Baltar regarding his supposed involvement with the virus. In his mind, he attemps to avert the pain by making love to his mental Six. Despite extreme pain, Baltar endures.


  • Will Caprica-Six continue to stand by and permit Baltar's mistreatment at their hands?
  • Where is Caprica-Six's own internal Baltar in all of this?
  • Of the Cylons, which type told the basestar to self-destruct: The Hybrid or a Cylon agent? Considering her odd look after the destruction, might it have been Athena?
  • What kind of new start are the Cylons planning for Earth? Just a new home planet, an attempt at human Cylon relations not tainted by the destruction of the Twelve Colonies, or something else?
  • Why did an entire Cylon fleet (including a Resurrection Ship) jump to the encounter with Galactica? Why was the Resurrection Ship not left behind somewhere else, as it was done in previous battles?
  • Is D'anna in love with Baltar?
  • Why is Gaeta so surprised to hear that Baltar is alive, given the fact that he was actually there when D'Anna offered Baltar to be evacuated from New Caprica?
  • Why does Simon so quickly claim science can not provide a solution to the infection?
  • How can an encephalitis virus be downloaded in a data stream?
  • Why wasn't the execution squad in place and waiting with the prisoners so the plan could have been implemented in a timely manner?
  • Since the plan was to execute the prisoners then jump away, why wasn't the jump drive already spun up and ready?
  • The environmental controls seem to have been circumvented by Karl Agathon pulling a single plug. In a combat ship aren't there cascading fail safe systems to protect against such catastrophic failures from simple system malfunctions?
  • In his discussion with Laura Roslin at the end of the episode, Admiral Adama is aware that sabotage was involved in the death of the Cylon prisoners, yet he states there will be no investigation. While he might be relieved that the plan wasn't carried out, wouldn't he be seriously concerned and want to aggressively pursue this matter?
  • Why was Sharon Agathon kept in quarantine after Cottle determined that humans were immune? Whether infected or not, she couldn't have transmitted the disease to anyone else, other than Cylon agents that may still be in the fleet.
  • Baltar calls the Number Three torturing him "D'anna". Is she, or at least does Baltar beleive she is, the same number 3 that was previously masquerading in the fleet as a reporter?
  • Considering that she was pulled from flight status in the previous episode, what is Starbuck doing in a Viper during the brief battle? Is Galactica desparate for pilots again?


  • The Cylons could have cured themselves of this plague relatively quickly, if Galactica had succeeded in infecting them. It was quickly noted in the episode that Sharon was immune herself because fetal cells from Hera created effective antibodies against the virus. Hera is immune to the virus because she is a hybrid Human-Cylon. Now that she is in custody of the Cylons, Baltar could have utilized her immunity, as he previously did on Roslin, as capital to further his self-preservation amongst them.
  • The wider implications of such an event could have been religiously meaningful to the Cylons. Cylons have time and again shown religious deference by sometimes overlooking rational explinations. By saving the Cylon race Hera could have been elevated to messiah status, if her very creation has not already ordained her as one to the Cylons because their God proclaimed her creation.
  • There is a fundamental flaw in the plan Apollo develops: Even if the virus successfully infects the Resurrection Ship, the other Cylons would isolate that individual ship, thus preventing a widespread epidemic. The resulting impact on the Cylon fleet would be no greater than previous destruction of the Resurrection Ship in "Resurrection Ship, Part II".
    • Apollo's plan is based on an account of the Cylon analysis of the threat; he could simply assume they are correct and that the virus can spread like wildfire from one Resurrection Ship to another.
  • If Adama has any suspicions about the deaths of the prisoners - or about certain officers' involvement in them - he is keeping them to himself. This could be another example of what are simultaneously his greatest virtues and most glaring flaws - his dedication to those under his command, and his need to keep his conscience clear.
  • In this episode, Raptors are shown loaded to the teeth with weapons systems. In the past (Miniseries, The Hand of God), Raptors have rarely been depicted in actual combat, preferring instead to hang back while coordinating battlefield logistics. They have been shown armed in a few prior episodes (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II, Fragged), but this is by far their most prominent combat role to date. The Raptors are using the external missile pods and cannons introduced in "Exodus, Part I & II" and engage in the same maneuver used to launch the decoy drones during the Battle of New Caprica.
  • Helo has been promoted to the rank of Captain, as evident in both dialogue and costuming.
  • The genetic pool the skinjobs were created from predates the human immunity to the plague from just a couple hundred years ago, yet the Cylons, even as a class of machines, are only 40 to 60 years old. This indicates another, non-colonial, source for the DNA.


  • Fleet population is 41,420. Barring any births, there is an unaccounted loss of at least two since "Torn".
  • The story behind the Lion Nebula beacon and the virus may have been inspired by the lunar lander Surveyor 3. Before launching in 1967, its camera was accidentally contaminated by a common bacterium. When the camera was recovered by Apollo 12 astronauts, the microbes returned to life, having survived two and a half years of vacuum, radiation, and temperature extremes.
  • This is the first episode in which Saul Tigh has not appeared. Currently, the only characters to have appeared in every episode are Laura Roslin and William Adama.
  • Dr. Cottle identifies the disease as Lymphocytic encephalitis, however encephalitis is a condition (swelling of the brain) that can be caused by a pathogen, not a pathogen itself. More likely the pathogen is Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.
  • Apparently, instead of the term "Wilco", Apollo uses the real world term of "Roger" in this episode.

Noteworthy Dialogue

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Guest Stars
