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Battlestar Wiki talk:Podcast Transcripts

Discussion page of Battlestar Wiki:Podcast Transcripts
Revision as of 14:39, 23 May 2006 by Steelviper (talk | contribs) (→‎Podcast Burnout: + podcast thoughts)

I get back from university next week, and I plan on taping the marathon on December 20th and listening to ALL of the commentaries as I watch again (except, of course, "Fragged", frak it, as well as the first two episodes which I'll catch during the other rerun before the premiere). I assure you I'm quite obsessive and I'm going to get the entire thing (like many of you, I've already listened to them once to glean information, i.e. how I found out what some of the deleteed scenes for "Pegasus" were, but I'll go through them again; well, I'll watch the shows normally, THEN watch a second time for the podcast; this is what I do in my free time if I'm on vacation; just watch this show all the time. Anyway, I'll get in everything we need to know. Plus I'm iffy on whether this is fair use or not (on the one hand it's free on the site, on the other hand, TANSTAAFL, advertisers on pay to make ads we have to see to look at it, but then again maybe they don't care at Scifi because it makes word of mouth about the show. Hey, if they wanted us to stop they could just tell us not to. Regardless, I'll get it all in next week. May I once again bring to attention that I strongly object to the phrase "Citation Jihad", and would prefer the less objectionable term, "Citation Crusade". --Ricimer 20:36, 14 December 2005 (EST)

This sort of thing actually has very little to do with legality. Do I personally believe that typing up transcripts of freely available podcasts to aid in searching for citations constitues a copyright violation? No. Would my beliefs hold sway in a court of law if Universal wished to vigorously prosecute me? Probably not. Do I even have the resources to defend myself in such a case? No.
So in the end, Universal essentially gets to decide whether it's a copyright violation or not. That decision has very little to do with the letter of the law, and a lot to do with the comparative depth of our pockets. Essentially, if the copyright holders decide they don't like this, then there's nothing we can do to stop them from asking us to take it down, in which case we will do so graciously. Until then, it seems fairly harmless to continue. --Peter Farago 21:01, 14 December 2005 (EST)
Of course, Joe has ultimate jurisdiction over the wiki and any projects we decide to host. If he is uncomfortable with this for any reason, I will gladly take it off-site. --Peter Farago 21:07, 14 December 2005 (EST)

I just thought I'd point this site out. It has episode summaries that have podcast commentary transcribed below them. Unfortunately, the comments are broken off into paragraphs, and don't appear to be organized into acts like you guys are. May be useful as a double-check, though, if nothing else. --Steelviper 13:27, 27 December 2005 (EST)

Transcript Visibility

I was wondering if it might be a good idea to link to finished transcripts from the episode guide pages. If you don't know about this page it might be hard to stumble upon. Having easy access to both the podcasts themselves and the transcripts might be handy for somebody who is doing research, or catching up on older episodes. --Steelviper 09:42, 3 February 2006 (EST)

Catching up

It'd be awesome if during the gap between now and Season 3 we could manage to get "caught up" on the transcription backlog. That way, going forward there would only be one per week that we'd need to do, which would be a lot less overwhelming. Laineylain and Misco have made a lot of progress, but there are a LOT of episodes left to do. --Steelviper 12:07, 12 March 2006 (CST)

Any suggestions on priority order for working through the episodes? Chronological or reverse chronological? --Steelviper 10:51, 17 April 2006 (CDT)
I guess I'd prefer reverse chronological, but I don't see that it matters much. It should really be whatever the transcriber is interested in (I don't think anyone's going to shed any tears if "Sacrifice" goes untranscribed for a while). --Peter Farago 11:12, 17 April 2006 (CDT)
I've been doing the ones that interest me. I'm off for a trip to Vegas, but will get some LDYB2 transcription work done when I return next week. -- Laineylain 13:07, 17 April 2006 (CDT)

Podcast Burnout

It seems like around 2 episode-equivalents seems to be the burnout point for podcast transcripts. Finishing LDYB1 will be my second. Hopefully I'll break that barrier, but we could probably use some new blood on this project as there are roughly 15 podcasts left (not counting the "in progress" LDYB's), which is about 7 and a half BattleWikians, apparently. I'm not sure where or who we'd recruit. Mostly I wanted to be on the record as having observed the pattern (so they'll name it Steelviper's law even though I have nothing to do with the phenomenon... kind of like Moore's law), as well as be on the record as trying to break that barrier (so I'll have extra motivation to do so). --Steelviper 14:55, 19 April 2006 (CDT)

I'd like to do one, if no one gives me too much flak if I frak up. Huh? 09:19, 23 May 2006 (CDT)
I might download the podcasts and transcibe a few acts maybe. I havnt heard a single podcast yet but have read almost all of the ones that have been transcribed by people and am very grateful to them for doing it. --Mercifull 09:26, 23 May 2006 (CDT)
Any help is appreciated! We won't give you flak, and I'll try to help if you have any questions. (Just drop a note here, or on my user talk.) It's a lot easier to make corrections during verification than doing the initial transcription process. Just pick one and go. It might help to listen to a couple and choose one that interests you. Also... it's a completely different experience listening to one while watching the show. I didn't do that until LDYB, and it's great! Hearing RDM explain things is fine, but seeing the context of what he's talking about makes a big difference. I highly encourage it if possible. It wouldn't be handy during transcription, but it might help to choose one. --Steelviper 09:39, 23 May 2006 (CDT)

The Code

Is like.. well... it was very hard to find what I was looking for. Ideas for orginziation? --Shane (T - C - E) 11:32, 8 May 2006 (CDT)

It'd be nice to edit the particular episode you're checking in, instead of "checkins", but the alternative is a really huge TOC, isn't it? --Steelviper 11:35, 8 May 2006 (CDT)
Shane, I do appreciate your suggestion vis a vis templates - I can see why our current system is sub-optimal. However, I'm not sure a template system is the best answer. SV, I don't think a "really huge TOC" would be necessarily horrible - this page is just for us to use to keep track of things. It doesn't have to look beautiful. --Peter Farago 22:20, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
Well, then I may experiment with making the next one I work on a "header" so that it would be able to be isolated in editing. I'm taking a short break from transcribing, though, as I've outpaced "verification" (and I want to avoid the dreaded podcast burnout). --Steelviper 07:35, 10 May 2006 (CDT)