Quorum of Twelve (TRS)

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Revision as of 16:44, 31 March 2006 by The Merovingian (talk | contribs) (No Baltar spoke of the people's council and Quorum separately; we think it's the lower house RDM talked about; see LDYB II Analysis)
This article explains the legislative body in the Re-imagined Series. For information on its Original Series counterpart, see Quorum of Twelve (TOS).

The Quorum of Twelve is a unicameral deliberative body that combines features from the U.N. Security Council, U.S. Senate and the mormon Quorum of the Twelve Apostles which runs the Mormon church. Each of the Twelve Colonies has one elected representative, who votes on and brings issues to be discussed. The scope of these issues, at least in the current series is likely to be quite broad, due to the lack of any other organized political bodies in the aftermath of the Cylon attack.

After the loss of the old Quorum, President Laura Roslin reestablished a new Quorum on Colonial Day. Its representatives include:

One of the primary issues of the new Quorum was the election of a Vice President; in a time when no Vice President is available during a presidential term, the Quorum gets to cast the votes towards a Vice President. Should there be a tie, the President is the one who casts the tie-breaking vote (Colonial Day).

The Fleet's Quorum of Twelve assembles onboard Cloud 9 (Colonial Day).


It is conceivable that the Quorum was instituted by the Articles of Colonization; 52 years prior to the final Cylon Attack.