Colonial wireless alphabet

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The Colonial wireless alphabet is a means of communicating letters via words, thus permitting clarity when communicating spellings over wireless. This is similar to the NATO phonetic alphabet used for radio communications.

The following is a list of words used in the CWA. At present, only seven have been canonically identified.

Letter Word Pronunciation
A Alpha Template:RefTemplate:RefTemplate:Ref [ˈæl.fə]
B Bravo Template:Ref label Template:Ref [ˈbɹɑ.voʊ]
C Constellation Template:Ref label Template:Ref label Template:Ref [ˌcɑn.stə.ˈleɪ.ʃən]
D Delta Template:Ref label [ˈdɛl.tə]
E Echo Template:Ref label [ˈɛ.koʊ]
N Nebula Template:Ref label Template:Ref label [ˈnɛb.ju.lə]
S Sierra Template:Ref label [si.ˈɛɹˌɹə]


  • In the NATO phonetic alphabet, "Alpha" is spelled "Alfa", in consideration of Spanish orthography. Depending on how literally one interprets certain scenes, Spanish (or a language represented by Spanish) may be spoken in the twelve colonies. Our use of the traditional English spelling here is somewhat arbitrary.
  • "Wilco" is not a CWA letter code. It is used by the Colonials in place of "roger".
  • "Colonial wireless alphabet" is a descriptive term, not a canonical designation.
  • While the Colonial wireless alphabet has some terms in common with the NATO phonetic alphabet, there are a few used by NATO which are highly unlikely to be used by Colonial forces. Specifically, India and Quebec (as they are locations on Earth), Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare lived and wrote on Earth), and Yankee and Zulu (as they refer to specific peoples of Earth).


  1. Template:NoteTemplate:Note labelTemplate:Note labelKara Thrace: Three assault teams, Alpha, Bravo, Constellation. (Bastille Day)
  2. Template:NoteTemplate:Note labelLee Adama: Sierra Alpha, we got a new bogey. (Scattered)
  3. Template:NoteTemplate:Note label Commander Adama: Order batteries alpha through echo to switch to salvo fire. (Resurrection Ship, Part II)
  4. Template:NoteTemplate:Note labelTemplate:Note labelTemplate:Note labelFreighter Pilot #1: Carrier constellation, jump complete on station, point deacon. Initiate search pattern delta.
    Freighter Pilot #2: Ore flight bravo, delta, wilco.
    Freighter Pilot #3: Ore flight nebula, delta initiated. (The Hand of God)
  5. Template:NoteTemplate:Note labelGalen Tyrol: If the commander will take a closer look at the tail numbering... Nebula Seven Two Four Two Constellation. (Mini-Series)