Senior Staff of Galactica

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Present Senior Staff




Chain of Command

The current commander of Galactica is Admiral Adama, and second-in-command is Colonel Tigh. Captain Karl Agathon has risen to third-in-command and has frequently filled in as executive officer. Beyond that the hierarchy is unclear. Major Cottle is a medical officer and outside of the chain of command, and Captain Aaron Kelly's detention ("The Son Also Rises") presumably removes him from the order of precedence.

Position Histories

Commanding Officer

  • Commander William Adama (Miniseries to "Scattered") - Injured after assassination attempt
  • Colonel Saul Tigh, Acting ("Scattered" to "The Farm") - Relinquishes command after Commander Adama returns to duty
  • Admiral William Adama ("The Farm" to "Sine Qua Non") - Promoted to admiral by President Roslin (Resurrection Ship, Part II)
  • Colonel (temporarily Admiral) Saul Tigh ("Sine Qua Non" to "Revelations") - Adama resigns position temporarily to search for Roslin
  • Admiral William Adama ("Revelations" to "The Oath") - Adama returns to the Fleet, is deposed in a mutiny
  • Lieutenant (unofficially, Commander) Felix Gaeta, de facto ("The Oath" to "Blood on the Scales") - Gaeta siezes command in a mutiny as part of a coup d'etat led by Tom Zarek.
  • Admiral William Adama ("Blood on the Scales" to present) - Adama regains command by force; Gaeta is executed for mutiny.

Executive Officer

Tactical officer

Communications Officer

Commander, Air Group

Chief Medical Officer

Chief of the Deck


Landing Signal Officer

  • Captain Aaron Kelly ("Miniseries" to "Scattered") - Re-assigned as acting XO
  • Unknown ("Scattered" to "The Farm") - Aaron Kelly resumes post
  • Captain Aaron Kelly ("The Farm" to "Exodus, Part I") - Re-assigned as tactical officer
  • Unknown ("Exodus, Part I" to "Exodus, Part II") - Aaron Kelly resumes post
  • Captain Aaron Kelly ("Collaborators" to "The Son Also Rises") - Put in detention with charges pending
  • Unknown ("The Son Also Rises" to present)
