Cylon Civil War

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The Cylon Civil War was an internal conflict between humanoid Cylons. One faction consisted of the Number Ones, the Number Fours, the Number Fives, and the Number Eight copy known as Sharon Valerii, under the leadership of the Number One copy known as Cavil. The opposition consisted of the Number Twos, the Number Sixes, and the majority of the Number Eights, under the leadership of the Number Six copy known as Natalie. The seeds for the conflict were sown during the Battle of the Ionian Nebula, in which the Cylon Raiders broke off the attack because one of them detected Samuel Anders as a humanoid Cylon. Cavil's faction voted to "reconfigure" (lobotomize) the Raiders so that they would continue assaults on the Colonial fleet. Natalie's faction voted against this action, believing that the final five humanoid Cylons were present in the Colonial fleet and wishing to unite with them.

Battle of the Basestars