Faye Lampkin

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Revision as of 13:33, 26 May 2007 by Joe Beaudoin Jr. (talk | contribs) (- Lampkin's cat, + Lance)

Romo Lampkin's wife was a Colonial citizen, previously married to civil litigation lawyer Romo Lampkin.

Romo Lampkin describes his wife to Caprica-Six during his questioning of the Cylon:

Beautiful. Beautiful woman, but so serious. This frowning face trapped in the middle of a daisy. She had a way of walkin'–processional, as if she were on her way to her execution. We had 10 years. Then it fell apart under its own weight. [...] I thought if I could get over her, I could get over anything. That I could endure, be a man, stand up to any and all kind of punishment. I [unintelligible] one empty, spinning bed for months, and that, that is when I finally realized that how much I loved her. If I needed all that strength, what was the point? I needed to be with her.

As a memento, he has her cat, Lance, which didn't "scratch and bite like she did".

Despite his claim that the marriage fell apart, it is unknown whether or not Lampkin divorced her, merely separated, or is technically widowed as a result of the final Cylon attack against the Colonies. From his description and how he speaks of her, she may likely be dead (The Son Also Rises).