References to the Re-imagined Series

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Part of the series on

References in

References to


  • Hodgins mentions Battlestar Galactica while naming sci-fi genre shows off to Zack in the episode "The Superhero in the Alley."

"Gilmore Girls"

  • Rory Gilmore jokingly accuses her grandmother of being a Cylon in one episode.
  • On another episode, Rory uses the term "frakking."


Student wearing a BSG T-shirt in the Heroes episode "Homecoming"
  • The trailers for the NBC show Heroes re-use several tracks from Bear McCreary's BSG Season One Sountrack, primarily the song "Forgiven."
  • In the ninth episode, "Homecoming", a high school student is briefly seen wearing a Battlestar Galactica t-shirt.

"The Office"

  • The main character, Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) mocks one of his employees for watching "Battleship Galaxy" every Friday night. The Office airs on NBC, which is owned by NBC Universal, the parent company of the SCI-FI Network.

"Tripping the Rift"

  • One of the show's main characters is a robot seductress named Six, who has the appearance of a beautiful human woman.

"Veronica Mars"

  • Veronica is introduced to the word "frak" in the Season 3 premiere and uses is later. It's said to be "the profanity of the future".
  • Battlestar Galactica, Number Six, the Cylons, Cylon Raiders, "frak" and "so say we all" are all mentioned in the episode "Poughkeepsie, Tramps & Thieves".